Drew was born and raised in New York City on January 20, 1955. He was the only child of Rhoda Palestine and Drew “Bundini” Brown, Jr.
Drew’s father Bundini was the trainer and motivational force behind three-time world heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali. His famous slogan “Float like a Butterfly and Sting like a Bee” is timeless and world renown. Brown graduated from Southern University at New Orleans with a major in business administration and minor in economics.
Drew joined the United States Navy where he earned Wings of Gold. He was then assigned to Attack Squadron 35 “The Black Panthers”—the oldest Attack Squadron in Naval Aviation history. At one time, he was the only black Naval jet pilot flying attack aircrafts (A-6 Intruder). Drew flew missions from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-69).
Drew has been awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the President of the United States, The Freedom Foundation Medal by the US Supreme Court, and the Congressional Black Caucus Male Achievement Award. Among Drew’s other numerous awards is the United States Chamber of Commerce’s Special Salute for outstanding leadership.
Millions of people have seen and heard Commander Drew Brown in person or via his appearances on NBC’s Today Show, NBC Nightly News, CBS This Morning Show, and hundreds of local TV and national radio broadcast. He has been featured in the New York Times, The Washington Post, and Fortune Magazine among other publications.
His autobiography “You Gotta Believe” reached the bestseller list and is in its seventh printing and continues to receive rave reviews.
Drew proudly served in the United States Navy as a Naval jet pilot flying the A-6 Intruder attack aircraft. His stories are captivating and his lessons life-changing.
General Colin Powell
“Drew Brown’s message is right on target and should be mandatory learning for every man, woman, and child in today’s society. Commander Brown served his country proudly overseas and now proudly serves his country at home. Drew Brown is a real American hero.”
Colin Powell
Former Secretary of State
Muhammad “The Champ” Ali
“Motivation is in Drew Brown’s blood. His father Drew ‘Bundini’ Brown motivated me to become one of the greatest boxers of all time. Drew Brown speeches are doing the same for both young and old. His timely message is exactly what is needed in today’s ever-changing society. His dad’s slogan of ‘Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee‘ motivated me to be a champion. Young Drew’s formula of ‘Education plus Hard Work minus Drugs equals Success and the American Dream’ will also motivate everyone to be champions in whatever they do. As Bundini would say, ‘From the Root to the Fruit.'”
Muhammad Ali
Three Time Heavyweight Champion of The World
General Colin Powell

“Drew Brown’s message is right on target and should be mandatory learning for every man, woman, and child in today’s society. Commander Brown served his country proudly overseas and now proudly serves his country at home. Drew Brown is a real American hero.”
Colin Powell
Former Secretary of State
Muhammad “The Champ” Ali

“Motivation is in Drew Brown’s blood. His father Drew ‘Bundini’ Brown motivated me to become one of the greatest boxers of all time. Drew Brown speeches are doing the same for both young and old. His timely message is exactly what is needed in today’s ever-changing society. His dad’s slogan of ‘Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee‘ motivated me to be a champion. Young Drew’s formula of ‘Education plus Hard Work minus Drugs equals Success and the American Dream’ will also motivate everyone to be champions in whatever they do. As Bundini would say, ‘From the Root to the Fruit.'”
Muhammad Ali
Three Time Heavyweight Champion of The World